Wowmatrix not connecting to internet
Wowmatrix not connecting to internet

Were you aware, that even this, as I posted, is covered by copyright laws? Unless I'm mistaken (please reply if I am lol), it IS. Maybe that's harsh, but it's true.It's funny to read them.but you gotta feel sorry for the recipient of some of these decisions. Seriously, anyone can look at some of the ridiculous cases won/lost anywhere on the web, sometimes judges/juries really aren't thinking, or seem to have a shoe implanted in their head that prevents thoughts from being sane. On copyright laws, IT IS THE LAW, whether there's been "good cases" of them in courtrooms.

wowmatrix not connecting to internet

Shame on those who feel that they have a right to "take" whatever they want. And a lot of these replies are the authors of some of the most used, beloved, and "couldn't live without" addons out there! I really hope with all my WoW-heart that they don't take what is being said by the few, and decide to turn in the hat and call it a day. They don't have to, and certainly don't deserve the disrespect and disregard shown here. I do understand both points of view, but come on guys, these people work hard to offer and tweak their addons.not for themselves, for whom the addons work just fine, but for US. Not of the addon authors, but of the users themselves. But let me qualify that.įirst though, I must admit to being terribly disgusted, and horrified by some of the reactions written here in this thread. Not to sounds like an AA meeting, but I am going to try to stay off cross-site updaters. I've been a WoWMatrix user.unfortunately I never thought about or realized the issues that have been brought up.

wowmatrix not connecting to internet

So because of these reasons, reread my very first sentence lol.

wowmatrix not connecting to internet

I'd of replied to the WoWi topic that was linked, but it's locked (understands completely, so go ahead and yell at me lol). Okay.go ahead and hate me beforehand so we can get that out of the way ^_~ I honestly am not trying to encourage more of this discussion, because it's gotten a bit out of hand.but at the same time I have some thoughts I'd like to share.

Wowmatrix not connecting to internet